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Here is a list of real reviews from all our customers. (Reviews from the last month)

My wife purchased this Saint Laurent Envelope replica bag for her Mom and she was very happy when it arrived. Once taken out, it had a high-quality feeling for such an affordable price. Fine workmanship, high quality leather. The color is beautiful and really stands out. It's the perfect size and looks like it will be a great gift. Also, the purse had no smell when it arrived. This was a huge bonus since a lot of purses from other retailers and brands get delivered with an odor. This one was fine. Great find!

I was very surprised when I received these pairs of shoes. I was expecting some cheaply made shoes... But to my surprise they were cuter in person.
I'm a size 10 (and the width of my feet fluctuates) sometimes I'm a wide sometime I'm a regular. I tried these size 10s on while my feet were in regular mode and they fit perfectly. Probably couldn't wear these when my feet decide to spread because it's a pointy toe.
This is not a shoe I would be able to stand in long, but I am also a person who doesn't wear heels all the time. The colors look exactly like the pictures and I can't wait to wear them.
Highly recommend.

I’m really shocked at how great the quality of this bag is. It’s a nice medium size purse that can fit A LOT into it. The chain is heavy and sturdy and comfortable enough that it’s not digging into your shoulder. It’s versatile for a long purse or short which is a super plus. The style is chic and tailored. This is a quality bag for the price.

I LOVE this bag. I’ve been wearing it everyday since I bought it. No one can tell it's a replica bag. I get compliments every single time I wear it. People always think it’s genuine lol.

I didn't receive the shoes. I contacted the site's customer service. They responded quickly. She said my package was lost along the way. Really bad. Fortunately, the seller refunded me in time. What an unpleasant shopping experience!